ME/CFS Patient Resources
ME/CFS stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Sufferers often experience profound fatigue that affects their quality of life, takes away their ability to work, and may even leave them bedbound.
A Basic Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
This beginner’s guide is quite comprehensive as it covers symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ME/CFS. It provides extensive references to support groups, other resources, scientific papers, and educational videos.

Unrest (2017 Documentary)
Jennifer Brea is working on her PhD at Harvard and about to marry the love of her life when she’s struck down by a mysterious fever that leaves her bedridden. When doctors tell her “it’s all in her head,” she turns her camera on herself to document her devastating symptoms. Searching for answers, Jennifer discovers a hidden world of millions confined to their homes and bedrooms by ME, commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Together, Jen and her new husband, Omar, must find a way to build a life and fight for a cure.
This documentary is available on Netflix.
More Resources
- MEPedia -This Wiki contains reference information about treatments and diagnosis.
Vaccination Risks
- The Data on COVID Vaccines in Chronic Illness Patients – An overview of the available data, which suggests that COVID vaccines will (on average) cause more harm than good in ME/CFS patients.
- The Connection Between Vaccine Injury, Long COVID, and ME/CFS